“ Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” – Dolly Parton

Recently a friend of one of our techs called to invite him out for dinner to catch up. It had been a while since they had seen each other. However, he declined as we had a large project that was nearing completion. Their friends response to that? “When was the last time you took some ‘me’ time”…and that made him think.

He thought of the times he checked his phone for email while sitting down with family for supper, when he was at the doctor’s office, or meeting friends for a pint. He realized that he was constantly “connected” to the office.

His friend sent him this article and he found that it has some great pointers on how to ensure a healthy balance between work time and personal time. Take a minute to relax and read through the article, and see how many of these suggestions you incorporate into your everyday life.

Have a great week! During your “off ” time, focus on family and friends and make memories.

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